
http://www.smzswang.com时间:2016-12-06 08:39来源:互联网

  National efforts among the emerging producers to develop their arms industries have shown mixed results in 2015. The combined arms sales of India’s ranked companies grew by 9.3 per cent compared with 2014, while the combined sales of Turkish companies rose by 10.2 per cent. Embraer, the sole Brazilian company in the Top 100, recorded a 28.1 per cent decline in its arms sales in 2015.

  The SIPRI Arms Industry Database

  The SIPRI Arms Industry Databasewas created in 1989. It contains financial and employment data on arms-producing companies worldwide. Since 1990, SIPRI has published data on the arms sales and employment of the 100 largest of these arms-producing companies in the
