十分钟学会Python, 简单入门教程(16)

http://www.smzswang.com时间:2016-10-23 14:21来源:未知

  # it what's called a "new-style class".

  # Multiple inheritance is declared as:

  # class OtherClass(MyClass1, MyClass2, MyClassN)

  class OtherClass(MyClass):

  # The "self" argument is passed automatically

  # and refers to the class instance, so you can set

  # instance variables as above, but from inside the class.

  def __init__(self, arg1):

  self.myvariable = 3

  print arg1

  >>> classinstance = OtherClass("hello")


  >>> classinstance.myfunction(1, 2)


  # This class doesn't have a .test member, but

  # we can add one to the instance anyway. Note

